Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The next big thing

Ok, blogging is now passé; everybody is doing it, or has done it, or thought about it. Time for the "next big thing" to come sweeping through the waters. (insert relevant Acts 17:21 reference here). Are you ready? I think I know what it is...drum roll please.

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This last two days have seen a plethora of bibliobloggers joining Facebook. Yep, either they have recently joined or have recently decided to become active there. So, Chuck Jones, former Research Archivist at University of Chicago and now in Athens, Greece, formed a new group— The Ancient World Bloggers Group. All are invited to join in the fun. It was a conscious decision on Chuck's part to call it "Ancient World" to avoid being too narrow and limiting it to bibliobloggers only.

So, come one, come all and join the latest thing! Yes, you too can be a part of the new buzz and gain bragging rights (or is that rites?) as someone on the bleeding edge of what's new and cool!
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Andy said...

You first. I'll consider thinking about it in six months.

Anonymous said...

speaking of old books, another dead sea scrolls fiasco, this time in san diego...

Anonymous said...

when you get yer own facebook page, let me know and you can be my friend. I'm like already there, you know?