Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thought for a valentine's day

Andy Kerr, our webmaster, and I were talking the other day and he made a very memorable statement that I think is true:

Romance novels are to women what porn is to men.

Now, before you attack me, stop and think about it. Both set up impossible constructs. Both hit on a sore spot in many marriages. Both have been responsible for untold numbers of misunderstandings and incorrect expectations in relationships. The difference is that one uses real people and dehumanizes them; the other just sets up imaginary people—but dehumanizes the existing relationships...

And, one is found in Christian bookstores across the land...praise God the other one isn't!


That's my 2 cents! said...

Many of us have been saying for years that romance novels are female porn. I think it's pretty much accepted that trash novels are porn in story form. It's easier to fantasize than it is to form real relationships. The long term costs and degradation to the human soul are difficult to completely quantify, but there is nothing good.

jps said...

Yes, sadly it is easier to have fantasy relationships than real ones—and the cost is beyond calculation. Who can put a dollar value on people?


That's my 2 cents! said...

Pimps, government officials, bankers, weapons manufacturers, Military leaders, Planned Parenthood, insurance companies, pregnant women, The Supreme Court of the United States...

Is that enough or shall I continue?