Monday, September 02, 2024

At Length There Dawns the Glorious Day

189 At Length There Dawns the Glorious Day

1 At length there dawns the glorious day
   By prophets long foretold;
   At length the chorus clearer grows
   That shepherds heard of old.
   The day of dawning Brotherhood
   Breaks on our eager eyes,
   And human hatreds flee before
   The radiant eastern skies.

2 For what are sundering strains of blood,
   Or ancient caste and creed?
   One claim unites all men in God
   To serve each human need.
   Then here together, brother-men,
   We pledge the Lord anew
   Our loyal love, our stalwart faith,
   Our service strong and true.

3 One common faith unites us all,
   We seek one common goal,
   One tender comfort broods upon
   The struggling human soul.
   To this clear call of Brotherhood
   Our hearts responsive ring;
   We join the glorious new crusade
   Of our great Lord and King.
                         Ozora S. Davis
                         The Methodist Hymnal 1964 edition

>idle musing
A powerful postmillennial hymn, which makes sense when you discover that he was president of Chicago Theological Seminary from 1909–1929. I don't recall ever singing it. It occurs in a mere 62 hymnals. Some insert a chorus:

To this clear call of brotherhood
Our hearts responding sing:
We join the glorious new crusade
Of our great Lord and King.
</idle musing>

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