Friday, March 14, 2025

A Prayer for the world

113 A Prayer for Our World

ALMIGHTY GOD: You have called us together, and by Your Holy Spirit, make us one with Your Son our Lord. We thank You for the church, for the power of Your word, and for our life together in Christ. Give us a heart to love the loveless, the lonely, the hungry, and the hurt, without pride or a calculating spirit, so that we may serve You with integrity and joy.

GOD OF GRACE: In Your world there are fields to seed and harvest. We thank You for men and women who farm the land, and for workers who prepare and distribute food. While we struggle with the problem of overweight, millions are dying from hunger. Help us to find the wisdom and the commitment to bring hope and health to our brothers and sisters throughout the world. May no one starve because of our greed or neglect, and may we all hunger and thirst for righteousness alone; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
—Gary W. Demarest
Hymns for the Family of God

<idle musing>
Even more relevant now than when he penned it 1976!
</idle musing>

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