Sunday, March 16, 2025

Wonderful Grace of Jesus

114 Wonderful Grace of Jesus

1 Wonderful grace of Jesus,
   greater than all my sin;
   how shall my tongue describe it,
   where shall its praise begin?
   Taking away my burden,
   setting my spirit free,
   for the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

   Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,
   deeper than the mighty rolling sea,
   higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain,
   all sufficient grace for even me;
   broader than the scope of my transgressions, sing it!
   greater far than all my sin and shame.
   O magnify the precious name of Jesus, praise his name!

2 Wonderful grace of Jesus,
   reaching to all the lost,
   by it I have been pardoned,
   saved to the uttermost.
   Chains have been torn asunder,
   giving me liberty,
   for the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. [Refrain]

3 Wonderful grace of Jesus,
   reaching the most reviled,
   by its transforming power
   making me God’s dear child,
   purchasing peace and heaven
   for all eternity,
   for the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. [Refrain]
                         Haldor Lillenas
                         Hymns for the Family of God

<idle musing>
I didn't grow up singing this song. But once I heard it, it became one of my favorite hymns. When I was at Asbury College (now University), during chapel it would frequently be sung. To hear it with over a thousand voices, many of whom could sing their parts, was truly marvelous.

One of the places we lived in Indiana had a slight hill on our walking course. We were in the habit of singing hymns as we walked, but we always made a point of NOT singing this one in the area of that hill. It just requires too much breath to sing properly when you are going up a hill!

By the way, take a minute or two to read the bio of the author. He lived quite a life.
</idle musing>

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