Monday, March 03, 2025

The power of novels

Personally I believe that most people are influenced far more than they would care to admit by novels, serial stories, films and so forth, and that from this point of view the worst books are often the most important, because they are usually the ones that are read earliest in life. It is probable that many people who would consider themselves extremely sophisticated and “advanced” are actually carrying through life an imaginary background which they acquired in childhood…—George Orwell, A Collection of Essays, 305

<idle musing>
Well, that's the end of the book. When I picked it up at the library book sale a couple of years ago, I didn't think it would suddenly become so relevant. Would that it weren't! Anyway, not sure what book to tackle next. I'm in the middle of a cognitive linguistics book, but those don't lend themselves well to extracts. And, as with most linguistics books, it's long and slow-going (at least for me).

All that to say, there might be a bit of a pause in postings outside of the regular hymns and Tozer for Tuesday while I finish the linguistics book. Or, I might start something else and let the linguistics book rest for a bit while I digest it some. We'll see.
</idle musing>

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