The sun is rising later, too, which allows me to see more nocturnal animals. Tuesday I saw 3 deer, then 100 yards further another 6. They were in no hurry to get out of my way. Of course, there is a downside to all this activity; the morning commuters are hitting more wildlife, too. That same morning I saw a freshly killed possum; the blood was still running out of his mouth.
The garden is slowing down; I've been pulling bean plants and planting fall crops like romaine, spinach, radishes, and beets; I still haven't planted the cucumber—it is probably too late now, but we'll see. I need to move the greenhouse to cover the new plantings. I also need to order some more row cover, too.
We expanded the fence around the garden last weekend. The cats were wreaking havoc with the raspberries and were starting to kill the new asparagus plants, too. I have them all enclosed now, but that means more landscape timbers and cloth, as well as more wood chips and other stuff. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it all done in the next week or so.
Yesterday the person who is taking the large part of the tree came and took a good percentage of it and cut up the rest. Debbie thinks the slices are pretty neat looking; what do you think? I tried moving a circle; it weighs probably 200 pounds!
They could make an amazing coffee table...
OR you could make a jungle gym out of them! Stack them up into different piles. Well, maybe not...that sounds like heavy work.
Andrew, They sure would, except for the weight!
Renee, it sure does.
Anyway, they are gone now. They cut them up into quarters and hauled them away on Friday.
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