Friday, October 27, 2023

A sad confession

For the most part, though, we lack a significant body of exegetical work from early Christian women. Thus, though I am tempted to title this book Reading the Scripture with the Fathers and Mothers, I fear such a title, while honoring early Christian women and soothing modern sensibilities, would not reflect past realities faithfully. We simply do not have a broad enough exegetical base to draw upon from early Christian female theologians and commentators. As we have noted, however, the lack of such literature is more a regretful commentary on the church’s ambiguous response to the women in its midst than a lack of ability, intelligence, desire, gifting or insight in its female constituents.—Christopher Hall, Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, 49

<idle musing>
Indeed! And there have been many attempts in recent years to recover those traditions. May they prosper! I personally have benefited immensely over the years from the contributions of the women that history didn't forget (leaving aside the benefits from the more recent periods). The medieval mystics, male and female, have always been a source of inspiration to me. And more recently, I have discovered the early female martyrs and what little of their story survives.
</idle musing>

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