Monday, October 23, 2023

Sola scriptura?

The slogan sola Scriptura, then, is the frank assertion and admission, as Anthony Lane puts it, “that the church can err.” The fathers themselves insisted that the church be held accountable to Scripture. At the same time, sola Scriptura has never meant that the only resources the Christian needs to understand God’s Word well are the Bible and the Holy Spirit. The ideal of the autonomous interpreter can more easily be laid at the steps of the Enlightenment than the Reformation. Rather, Reformers such as Luther and Calvin wisely considered the history, councils, creeds and tradition of the church, including the fathers’ writings, as a rich resource ignored only by the foolish or arrogant.—Christopher Hall, Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers, 13–14

<idle musing>
Indeed! And ignoring all those resources, as we have done in the US, has landed us in our current theology-free christian nationalist wasteland. Not that the blame is entirely there, but it definitely contributed!
</idle musing>

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