Monday, March 04, 2024

SCOTUS just allowed the Rubicon to be crossed

We are now officially in the decline of the republic stage of the Roman republic. SCOTUS has allowed the former president to be on the ballot, effectively nullifying the Fourteenth Amendment.

I have hopes that the election in November will nullify their decision by reelecting Biden and pushing out the MAGA Republicans from Congress, but…

Seems that congress will need to put some steel into the the Fourteenth Amendment at that point. If not, then say goodbye to a republic and hello to an official Principate, which will rapidly devolve into a monarchy, as they always do.

Meanwhile, I suppose the best thing to do is echo The Who, and say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss. But in all seriousness, it won't affect my belief in the goodness of God in Christ. He is above all kings of the earth and his kingdom will come, despite all our attempts to prevent or cause it.

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