Monday, May 01, 2023

Are we nuts?

This excerpt from a devotional on 1 Corinthians caught my eye today:
Following a suffering, crucified God seems unwise. Further, to those who view themselves as elites, a life riddled with suffering is unpersuasive. Wouldn’t a powerful God spare himself and his followers pain and suffering? How could a true God be conquered by the rulers of this world? What is enticing about this type of thinking? Well, for the apostle, those who believe themselves to be powerful in the here-and-now are being made powerless by a gospel that calls its adherents to self-sacrifice, submission, and serving one another.
<idle musing>
Indeed! We must be nuts! Who gives away power and prestige to become a lowly servant?

Of course, for those who follow a broken gospel based on material prosperity, this is absolutely nuts. Only those who know that all that is empty, that the only thing that counts is to know Christ and be known by him can see the true wisdom of it, which is what Paul is getting at in 1 Corinthians.

Just an
</idle musing>

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