Monday, May 01, 2023

It's all dust

For too long and too often along my journey, I have sought shelter in hand-clapping liturgies and cerebral Scripture studies. I have received knowledge without appreciation, facts without enthusiasm. Yet, when the scholarly investigations were over, I was struck by the insignificance of it all. It just didn’t seem to matter.—Abba’s Child, 58

<idle musing>
OK, I said we were going to start reading Brunner's The Christian Doctrine of Creation and Redemption today, but I got sidetracked. I had found Abba’s Child a while back at a used bookstore or thrift store, can't remember which, and put it on my bookshelf. You know how that goes. I couldn't pass it up at a couple of bucks and figured I get around to reading it someday. Well, the other day became that day. I'm reading from the 2002 edition; the link is to the 2015 printing, so I don't know if there's a difference.

Be that as it may, I originally didn't intend to excerpt from it, which is why this is from page 58. But this hit home only too much. I edit great stuff, full of facts and insights. But, if it stays cerebral? Well, it's so much chip-chuck, hevel, emptiness.

All that to say that for the next week or so, I'll be posting from Abba’s Child. I hope you enjoy it. I certainly did! You do much worse than grabbing a coy and reading it. And then, I promise, we'll get to Brunner!
</idle musing>

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