Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The illogic of Calvin's determinism

Calvin denies human freedom, but he also maintains full human responsibility, while at the same time he asserts that God alone determines all that happens, without, however, ascribing to Him the origin of evil. This is the element in Calvin's thought which is so unsatisfactory, not to say painful and dishonest. He does not admit for a moment that there is an insoluble dilemma here, a paradoxical statement which cannot be regarded as free from contradictions, a statement which includes within itself two opposed assertions, but he proceeds as though everything were in order, while actually he is flying in the face of logic.—Emil Brunner, The Christian Doctrine of Creation and Redemption, 172

<idle musing>
Indeed! That's the fly in the ointment for all determinists. It isn't a paradox; it's a logical contradiction.
</idle musing>

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