Thursday, October 10, 2024

Blest are the pure in heart

276 Blest are the pure in heart

1 Blest are the pure in heart,
   For they shall see our God;
   The secret of the Lord is theirs,
   Their soul is His abode.

2 The Lord, who left the heavens
   His life and peace to bring,
   Who dwelt in lowliness with men,
   Their Pattern and their King;

3 He to the lowly soul
   Doth still Himself impart,
   And for His temple and His throne
   Selects the pure in heart.

4 Lord, we Thy presence seek;
   May ours this blessing be;
   O give the pure and lowly heart,
   A temple meet for Thee.
                         John Keble
                         The Methodist Hymnal 1964 edition

<idle musing>
You might have noticed that there is no link on the Methodist hymnal. That's because the Internet Archive is down. I received an email last night from a notification site I subscribe to that let's me know when one of my accounts anywhere on the internet has been hacked. I don't reuse passwords (neither should you!), but it's always nice to know when a site you used has been hacked and credentials leaked. Anyway, it stated that the Internet Archive had been hacked and all the hashed passwords and account credentials had been leaked. So, I suspect that's why the site is down today.

If I were a conspiracy person, I would say that it is because the publishers don't like the site. But I'm not. I suspect it was a group looking to extort cash. (I'm leaving unsaid what some of you are thinking...)
</idle musing>

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