Tuesday, October 15, 2024

But will it last? (Tozer for Tuesday)

God is working through His people, and what God works lasts. What God does not work will not last; and I do not care how much personality a man has, he cannot do immortal work, because he is a mortal man. He cannot think immortal thoughts, because he has a mortal mind. But if the Holy Ghost works in him and through him, He giveth to every man severally as He will. And it is the same Father working in us and through us.—A.W. Tozer, Reclaiming Christianity, 188

<idle musing>
A good word for our time. Back about 15–20 years ago there was a YouTube guy who was selling a blender. His tag line was "But, will it blend?" And he would proceed to show the robustness of his blender. It was quite popular among geeks. He would blend things like a new iPhone. Anything to get attention.

That's where the title to today's post comes from, "But will it last?" We build these huge artifices. God comes along and asks, "But will it last?," examining the foundation. If it isn't Christ, well, you know what a blender does to stuff…

Just an
<idle musing>

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