Monday, October 21, 2024

Children of the Heavenly King

300 Children of the Heavenly King

1 Children of the heavenly King,
   As we journey let us sing;
   Sing our Savior’s worthy praise,
   Glorious in His works and ways,

2 We are traveling home to God,
   In the way our fathers trod;
   They are happy now, and we
   Soon their happiness shall see,

3 Fear not, brethren; joyful stand
   On the borders of our land;
   Jesus Christ, our Father’s Son,
   Bids us undismayed go on,

4 Lord, obediently we'll go,
   Gladly leaving all below;
   Only Thou our leader be,
   And we still will follow Thee,

5. Lift your eyes, ye sons of light,
   Zion’s city is in sight:
   There our endless home shall be,
   There our Lord we soon shall see.
                         John Cennick
                         Methodist Hymnal, 1964 edition

<idle musing>
I don't recall ever singing this hymn, but it occurs in over 1100 hymnals. inserts a couple of verses:

3. O, ye banished seed, be glad!
   Christ our advocate is made;
   Us to save, our flesh assumes—
   Brother to our souls becomes.

4. Shout, ye little flock, and blest,
   You on Jesus’ throne shall rest:
   There your seat is now prepared—
   There your kingdom and reward

</idle musing>

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