Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Just saw this from Shelf Awareness:
...the Joan Ganz Cooney Center's research on digital reading comprehension and retention in children, which found that "reading comprehension and reader engagement for children between print books and e-books was similar. However, between print books and enhanced e-books, it was a different story.

"While children engaged more actively with enhanced e-books versus print books, their reading comprehension went down. The study found that when enhanced e-books featured interactivity that wasn't directly tied to the narrative or the text, it distracted both the children and parents from the story and thereby affected comprehension and retention."

<idle musing>
Maybe that is the reason repeated surveys of college students say they prefer their textbooks as books—less distractions. I have to admit, when I'm reading an e-book on the computer, I get distracted by the options...
</idle musing>

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