Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Banana chips!

No, not those horrendous things that they sell in the store that are tasteless! But, home dried ones. Oops, nothing like jumping in medias res...

About 25 or so years ago, we received a gift of a food dehydrator. It served us well for many years. One of the things we loved the most was dehydrated bananas. Take a banana, cut it into about 18-22 slices and dry it for about 20 hours at 120 F. Then, peal them off the trays and enjoy a burst of banana flavor. Delicious.

Sadly, the dehydrator died about 10 years ago. We couldn't justify replacing it; at the time the only ones we could find ran about $200! But, this summer we bought a new one for about $60. It is modular, allowing you to add trays as needed (you can see it here). Well, we finally got around to using it Sunday night to dry a few bananas. Last night we pealed them off and tasted them. Yep! Still good. So, now I can buy those over-ripe bananas at a fraction of the full cost and dry them. You really should try one sometime...


Bill Heroman said...

But will they last longer than the twinkies? ;)

Andy said...

Nah, once they get so old that they lose their flavor, he sells them to the snack companies, and they repackage them for sale in supermarkets...

We once stayed overnight with a friend who was making beef jerky in one of those dehydrators. It was hard to sleep that night, with the odor of fresh jerky constantly wafting in from the kitchen.

Bill Heroman said...

Bwah-hah-hah. I feel hysterically compelled to point out that a search for "the odor of fresh jerky" turns up zero results on Google.

I just had to check...