Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Supplements to the SBLHS abbreviations

I'm a copy editor, among other things, and I have three basic tools that I carry with me everywhere: The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, and SBL Handbook of Style, 2nd edition.
I suppose I could break down and get electronic versions of the first two—they're available. But, I like being able to page through them, leave them open on my desk, make notes, etc. Besides, Internet isn't always available here. We're just one cable cut away from no access to the outside world. Even the cell phone towers are dependent on a landline. So, hard copy is essential.
But I also depend heavily on the Internet for references. So, in that spirit, I'm putting up this page of supplements to the SBLHS2 list of abbreviations; I've been keeping a file since the new version came out. I'll add to it as I find them. Feel free to assist by adding comments.
By the way, Danny Zacharias has made an electronic supplement available for purchase. His serves a different purpose than mine. Mine is just a list of abbreviations not found in SBLHS2—nothing more.

By the way, here's a couple of other good places to find abbreviations:
Papyrus abbreviations [added 4/18/20]
Oxford Classical Dictionary for Classics and classical authors
CDLI:wiki (Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative) for Akkadian/Sumerian/Hittite
L'Année Philologique for Classics journals

Other handy links:
List of DJD volumes in order of publication: http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il/resources/djd.shtml [7/24/20]

Link to the RlA online: https://publikationen.badw.de/en/rla/index; updated 4/11/24.

Here's the table of contents for all the copyediting stuff.

UPDATE, August 14, 2017: You might be interested in knowing that IATG3 is now available in paperback for only $57.99! That's still not cheap, but it sure beats the hardback for $189.99! I broke down and purchased it, so you will see a lot less updating here, as I refer to it first.

As I add items, I will put the date added in square brackets after the item in the format [mm/dd/yy] (yes, I use the U.S. system of dating). That way you can easily find new ones.
So, here's the list as it stands today, March 17, 2015 (Last updated February 1, 2024):
Addenda to SBLHS2 abbreviations
AAASH Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae [3/31/17]
AAE Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy [3/18/17]
AAEA Anejos de Archivo español de arqueología [4/10/17]
AANEA Archaeopress Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology [3/5/17]
ABG Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte [5/29/15]
AfAsL Afroasiatic Linguistics [6/30/17] (IATG2)
AIRF Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae [3/28/17]
AJEC Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity
ALH Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics [2/20/16]
AMIT Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan [3/14/17]
AMuGS Antike Münzen und geschnittene Steine [5/9/17]
ANCL Ante-Nicene Christian Library
ANEMS Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean Studies [3/31/17]
ANETS Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Studies [10/7/16]
AntAf Antiquités africaines [4/21/17]
AnTard Antiquité tardive
AnthrToday Anthropology Today [1/21/17]
AntK Antike Kunst [3/29/17]
AntSem Antiquités Sémitiques [3/3/17]
ANYAS Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences [7/18/15]
APAAA Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association [5/2/17]
APB Acta Patristica et Byzantina [1221/15]
ARA Annual Review of Anthropology [12/11/16]
ArchCl Archeologia classica [3/29/17]
ARID Analecta Romana Instituti Danici [4/21/17]
ARP Accordia Research Papers [5/3/17]
ARTA Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology [3/17/17]
ASAESup Supplément aux annales du service des Antiquités de L’Égypte [3/30/17]
ASCP Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology [10/24/15]
ASSM Accordia Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean [12/14/16]
AST Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Series IV: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory [1/9/16] (say that one real fast 3 times!)
ATM Altes Testament und Moderne [5/22/15]
ATSAT Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache im Alten Testament [10/7/16]
AUMSR Andrews University Monograph Studies in Religion [12/13/15]
AuOrSup Aula orientalis Supplementa [12/13/15]
AUU Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis [3/7/17]
AVO Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients [4/76/17]
AWCH Ancient World: Comparative Histories [3/30/17]
BA La Bible d’Alexandrie [12/20/15]
BAe Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca [6/8/15]
BAL Blackwell Ancient Lives [4/4/17]
BARIS British Archaeological Reports International Series [6/8/15]
BCAW Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World [10/20/15]
BCCT Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition [6/11/16]
BCLL Bibliothèque des Cahiers de Linguistique de Louvain [12/19/15]
BCLSB Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences morales et politiques de l'Académie Royale de Belgique [7/4/16]
BCOTWP Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms [12/3/16]
BCT Bible and Critical Theory [8/14/17]
BDS BIBAL Dissertation Series [3/30/17]
BES Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar[3/10/17]
BEStud Brown Egyptological Studies [6/8/15]
BGMR Alfred Felix Landon Beeston, Mahmud ʾAli Ghul, Walter Wilhelm Müller, and Jacques Ryckman. Dictionnaire sabéen : (anglais-français-arabe). Louvain: Peeters, 1982. [2/10/18]
BH Book History [12/30/15]
BHAW Blackwell History of the Ancient World [4/4/17]
BHGNT Baylor Handbooks to the Greek New Testament [11/14/17]
BHL Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics [11/8/15]
BHRef Bibliotheca Humanistica & Reformatorica 7/3/16]
BIAAOP Occasional Publications of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara [12/15/15]
BICS Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies [10/24/15]
BICSSup Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement [4/10/17]
BiE Biblische Enzyklopädie [10/7/16]
BISNELC Bar-Ilan Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Culture [4/3/17]
BJL Belgian Journal of Linguistics [2/20/16]
BLG Biblical Languages: Greek [10/12/15]
BM Beth Mikra [12/12/15]
BMRP British Museum Research Publication
BRSS Berkeley Religious Studies Series [6/12/16]
BSAH Blackwell Sourcebooks in Ancient History [3/31/17]
BSalmD Bibliotheca Salmanticensis Dissertationes [12/25/15]
BSCS Brill Septuagint Commentary Series [12/10/16]
BSEG Bulletin de la Société d'Égyptologie Genève [3/30/17]
BSGA Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology [4/17/17]
BTAVO Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients [2/7/15
BTCB Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible [12/3/16]
BThSt Biblisch-Theologische Studien [5/31/15]
BTL Benjamins Translation Library [6/7/17] [Yes, these two are identical : (]
BTL Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics [1/9/16]
BVB Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel [8/19/17]
CahTD Cahiers du Groupe François-Thureau Dangin [12/13/15]
CALS Cambridge Applied Linguistics Series [5/10/15]
CBÅ Collegium Biblicum Årsskrift [12/14/16]
CBSC Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges [12/3/16]
CCS Cambridge Classical Studies [3/7/16]
CCSA Corpus Christianorum, Series Apocryphorum
CCSC Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture [12/31/21]
CeS Civilisations et sociétés [12/10/16]
CJL Canadian Journal of Linguistics [10/22/15]
CQS Companion to the Qumran Scrolls [7/18/15]
CFHB.SB Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae. Series Berolinensis [3/21/15]
CGLC Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics [1/28/16]
CHSC Center for Hellenic Studies Colloquia [3/30/17]
CII Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum [4/2/17]
CJA Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity [7/18/15]
CLR Cognitive Linguistics Research [1/9/16]
CMAO Contributi e Materiali di Archeologia Orientale [4/5/17]
CQS Companion to the Qumran Scrolls [7/10/15]
CRHPhR Cahiers de la Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses [4/25/17]
CRIR Culture and Religion in International Relations [3/5/17]
CRRAI Compte Rendu de la Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale [12/13/15]
CrStHB Critical Studies in the Hebrew Bible [1/30/16] (confirmed by SBL, 1/30/16)
CSCT Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition [5/9/17]
CSL Cambridge Studies in Linguistics [10/20/15]
CSSCA Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology [5/3/17]
CSSH Comparative Studies in Society and History: an International Quarterly [6/7/15]
CTL Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics [10/20/15]
CTN Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud [3/7/17]
CTRJ Clothing and Textiles Research Journal [12/10/16]
CTSRR College Theology Society Resources in Religion [6/6/17]
CurSL Current Studies in Linguistics [10/25/15]
CWA Current World Archaeology (italics) [3/14/17]
CWA Cambridge World Archaeology (no italics) [3/18/17]
DASOR Dissertation Series of the American Schools of Oriental Research [3/5/17]
DBSJ Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal [2/20/16]
DCLY Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Yearbook
DHR Dynamics in the History of Religions [12/11/16]
DMA Documenta Mundi Aegyptiaca [4/3/17]
DoArch Dossiers d'Archéologie [3/18/17] but the EEF has [LDA], which means it's suggested only.
EAGLL Giannakis, Georgios K., ed. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics. 3 vols. Leiden: Brill, 2014. [6/20/2021]
EAH Entretiens d’archéologie et d’histoire [4/3/17]
EALT Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [11/7/15]
EBS Encountering Biblical Studies [12/4/16]
ECDSS Eerdmans Commentaries on the Dead Sea Scrolls [6/13/15]
ECHC Early Christianity in Its Hellenistic Context [12/14/16]
EHLL Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Edited by Geoffrey Khan. 4 vols. Leiden: Brill, 2014. [10/28/2021]
EHMF Early Hebrew Manuscripts in Facsimile [6/22/16]
ELL English Language and Linguistics [1/9/16]
EnAC Entretiens sur l'antiquite classique [6/8/17]
EstNT Estudios de Nuevo Testamento [2/20/16]
FFC Folklore Fellows Communications [12/30/15]
FGLG Forschungen zur griechischen und lateinischen Grammatik [10/22/15]
FilNeot Filología Neotestamentaria [10/5/15]
FL Foundations of Language [12/5/15]
FontC Fontes Christiani [3/21/15]
G&H Gender & History [12/10/16]
GDBS Gorgias Dissertations, Biblical Studies [4/7/17]
GDNE Gorgias Dissertations: Near East Series [3/20/16]
GDR Gorgias Dissertations in Religion [12/11/16]
GHand Gorgias Handbooks [6/21/16]
Glotta Zeitschrift für griechische und lateinische Sprache [10/24/15]
GSAT Giornale della Società asiatica italiana [3/24/15]
GTJ Grace Theological Journal [1/23/16]
GUS Gorgias Ugaritic Studies [4/5/17]
HÄB Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge [3/31/17]
HAW Handbuch der altertumswissenschaft [10/22/15]
HBIS History of Biblical Interpretation Series [5/10/15]
HBM Hebrew Bible Monographs [5/2/15]
HBV Hebrew Bible and its Versions [12/25/15]
HCS Hellenistic Culture and Society [1/11/2020]
HeBAI Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel
HEO Hautes études orientales [4/4/17]
HerBS Herders biblische Studien [3/20/16] (HBS is already taken)
HiMA Revue Internationale d’Histoire Militaire Ancienne [3/30/17]
HistFilosSkr Historisk-filosofiske skrifter/Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab [3/31/17]
HNTE Handbook for New Testament Exegesis [11/14/17]
HO Hieratic Ostraca. Jaroslav Černý and Alan H. Gardiner. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1957. [5/9/15]
HPBM Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum [5/9/15]
HSCL Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature [12/30/15]
HSK Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft/Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science [11/8/15]
HUBP Hebrew University Bible Project [6/22/16]
HumLov Humanistica Lovaniensia [8/4/16]
HW History of Warfare [3/6/17]
IBT Interpreting Biblical Texts [5/9/15]
IE Interface Explorations [10/24/15]
IEED Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary [10/20/15]
IJAL International Journal of American Linguistics [6/11/16]
IP Instrumenta Patristica [3/24/15]
IPrag Intercultural Pragmatics [11/9/15]
IstMitt Istanbuler Mitteilungen [3/29/17]
ITSRS Italian Texts and Studies on Religion and Society [12/13/16]
IVPNTC InterVarsity Press New Testament Commentary Series [12/10/16]
JAAS Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies [3/14/17]
JAH Journal of Ancient History [3/14/17]
JAJ Journal of Ancient Judaism
JAJSup Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplements
JAMT Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [4/5/17]
JANEH Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History [4/3/17]
JAR Journal of Anthropological Research [12/16/19]
JBTh Jahrbuch für biblische Theologie [3/20/16]
JCC Jewish Culture and Contexts [12/11/16]
JCM Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World [34/13/17]
JCPS Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series [7/3/16]
JCSSup Journal of Cuneiform Studies Supplement Series (also known as JCSSS, but SBL seems to prefer using Sup) [12/13/15]
JCTC Jewish and Christian Texts in Contexts and Related Studies
JESHO Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient [4/6/17]
JGL Journal of Greek Linguistics [10/24/15]
JKF Jahrbuch für kleinasiatische Forschung [3/30/17
JL Journal of Linguistics [12/19/15]
JLSMin Janua Linguarum, Series minor [2/10/16]
JMEMSt Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies [4/21/17]
JMH Journal of Military History [3/31/17]
JPh Journal of Philology [1/9/16]
JPICL Joan Palevsky Imprint in Classical Literature [4/10/17]
JSAH Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
JSHJ Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus [12/15/15]
JSJSup Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism
JSSSup Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement Series [3/18/17]
JT Journal of Translation [2/10/16]
JTI Journal for Theological Interpretation [added 3/19/15]
JWP Journal of World Prehistory [4/2/17]
KAANT Kleine Arbeiten zum Alten und Neuen Testament [11/5/15]
KAL Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts [12/15/15]
KAW Kulturgeschichte der antiken Welt [12/10/16]
KölnJb Kölner Jahrbuch für Vor- und Frühgeschichte [4/21/17]
KUT Kohlhammer Urbantaschenbücher [10/8/16]
LA Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today [1/9/16]
LAOS Leipziger altorientalistische Studien [3/3/17]
LBS Linguistic Biblical Studies [11/7/15]
LCBI Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation [10/7/16]
LCS Lang Classical Studies [5/9/17]
LDSS Literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls [1/5/16]
LingAegSM Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica [4/7/17]
Linguistics Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences [10/24/15]
LiTy Linguistic Typology [2/20/16]
LLL Longman Linguistics Library [11/8/15]
LLSEE Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe [11/8/15]
LOC Lettres Orientales et Classiques [10/22/15]
LSRS Lincoln Studies in Religion and Society [12/14/16]
LTUR Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae. Edited by Eva Margereta Steinby. 6 vols. Rome: Quasar, 1993–2000. [5/3/17]
MAA Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry [1/28/17]
MACr Monumenti di antichità cristiana [added 3/20/15]
MÄS Müncher Ägyptologische Studien [5/9/15]
MATS Miscellanea Agostiniana Testi e studi [3/21/15]
MAVA Materialien zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Archäologie [1/30/17]
MBT Münsterische Beiträge zur Theologie [12/10/16]
MedEnc Medieval Encounters: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Culture in Confluence and Dialogue [7/3/16]
MEFRA Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome: Antiquité [3/28/17]
MenCom Mentor Commentaries [6/11/16]
MES Medieval European Studies [12/30/15]
MF Mandäistische Forschungen [12/19/15]
MG Materia Giudaica [7/4/16]
MGH.AA Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Auctores antiquissimi
MGH.SRM Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores rerum merovingicarum [3/21/15]
MGR Monumenta Graeca et Romana [5/9/17]
MLBS Mercer Library of Biblical Studies [10/6/16]
MS Mnemosyne Supplementum [10/22/15]
MSym Melammu Symposia [3/2/17
NAC Numismatica e antichità classiche [4/27/17
NCCS New Covenant Commentary Series [12/11/16]
NEAEHL The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Edited by Ephraim Stern. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993–2008. [4/3/17]
NETS New English Translation of the Septuagint. Edited by Albert Pietersma and Benjamin G. Wright. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
NNM Numismatic Notes and Monographs [5/9/17]
NSBT New Studies in Biblical Theology [12/10/16]
NTC New Testament in Context [12/14/16]
NTT New Testament Theology [1/7/16]
OAF Oxford Apostolic Fathers [3/24/15]
OCTb Oxford Centre Textbooks [1/4/16]
OMRL Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden [4/21/17]
OPSNKF Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund [12/14/15]
OrGand Orientalia Gandensia [6/28/17]
OrT Oral Tradition [6/12/16]
OSCC Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture [4/6/17]
OSEE Oxford Studies in Early Empire [3/5/17]
OTM Oxford Theological Monographs
P&B NS Pragmatics & Beyond, New Series [3/6/16]
PA Památky Archeologické [3/6/17]
PAAH Publications of the Association of Ancient Historians [3/30/17]
PAB Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge [4/1/17]
PapyVind Papyrologia Vindobonensia [3/6/17]
PastPsy Pastoral Psychology [12/10/16]
PBSR Papers of the British School at Rome [5/3/17]
PC Proclamation Commentaries [12/14/16]
PEFR Publications de l’École française de Rome [3/18/17]
PhR The Philosophical Review [10/25/15]
PLAL Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages [2/10/16]
PMAAR Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome [5/3/17]
PMAULS Publications de la Massion archéologique de l’Université de Liège en Syrie [3/30/17]
PMTKA Palingenesia: Monographien und Texte zur klassischen Altertumswissenschaft
PNTC Pillar New Testament Commentary [1/23/16]
PPSD Pauline and Patristic Scholars in Debate [3/24/15]
QAFP Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio-Punica [8/29/15]
QGS Quaderni di geografia storica [3/2/17]
QuadMess Quaderni dell'Istituto di archeologia della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia, Universitä di Messina [4/17/17]
QVO Quaderni di Vicino Oriente[1/1/17]
RATIS Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies
RdA Rivista di archeologia [3/29/17]
REL Revue des Études Latines [4/9/17]
ResAnt Res Antiquae[3/12/17]
RFCC Religion in the First Christian Centuries [12/11/16]
RhMus Rheinisches Museum (from OCD) [4/10/17]
ROC Revue de l’Orient chrétien
ROMOP Royal Ontario Museum Occasional Papers [3/5/17]
RPAA Atti della Pontificia Accademia romana di Archeologia: Rendiconti [5/9/17]
RRJ Review of Rabbinic Judaism
RSQ Rhetoric Society Quarterly [5/3/17]
SAG Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik [1/9/16]
SAGA Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altägyptens [4/2/17]
SAK Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur [5/9/15]
SAL Studies in Arabic Literature [1/2/16]
SAM Studies in Ancient Monarchies — but:
SAM Studies in Ancient Medicine [4/5/17]
SAMD Studies in Ancient Magic and Divination [3/30/17]
SANER Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records [4/3/17]
SBG Studies in Biblical Greek [10/22/15]
ScAnt Scienze dell'Antichita: Storia, archeologia, antropologia [3/6/17]
SCL Sather Classical Lectures [12/30/15]
SDSS Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature [12/11/15]
SECA Studies on Early Christian Apocrypha [3/24/15]
SESJ Suomen Eksegeettisen Seuran julkaisuja [6/4/15]
SGRR Studies in Greek and Roman Religion [4/21/17]
SHAR Studies in the History and Anthropology of Religion [4/7/17]
SHGR Studies in the history of Greece and Rome [34/9/17]
SHJ Studying the Historical Jesus [12/14/16]
Siphrut Siphrut: Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures [confirmed by SBL, 1/30/16]
SJMT Studies in Judaism in Modern Times
SLCS Studies in Language Companion Series [3/5/16]
SLi Sprache und Literatur [2/2/16]
SLL Synthese Language Library [10/24/15]
SLP Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy [10/25/15]
SM Scripta Mediterranea [1/28/17]
SPh Studies in Philology [12/5/15]
SPM Stromata Patristica et Mediaevalia [3/21/15]
SRB Studies in the Reception History of the Bible [6/1/15]
SSCA Stockholm Studies in Classical Archaeology [3/29/17]
SSEA Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities [5/9/15]
SSLL Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics [12/5/15]
SSU Studia Semitica Upsaliensia [12/15/15]
StMes Studia Mesopotamica [3/5/17]
StMiss Studia Missionalia [5/19/15]
StSam Studia Samaritana [11/5/15]
SThL Sammlung theologischer Lehrbücher [10/8/16]
StudLang Studies in Language: International Journal Sponsored by the Foundations of Language [11/7/15]
STUF Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung [1/9/16]
STW Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft [12/10/16]
SVTG Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum Auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum (This is the Göttingen LXX from V&R.)
SWJL Southwest Journal of Linguistics [2/10/16]
TCT Textual Criticism and the Translator [6/11/16]
TDOT Botterweck, G. Johannes, Helmer Ringgren, and Heinz-Josef Fabry, eds. Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. Translated by John T. Willis et al. 17 vols. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974–2021. [1/1/23; updated for the Aramaic and index volumes]
TDSA Testi e documenti per lo studio dell' antichità [10/20/15]
TECC Textos y Estudios “Cardenal Cisneros” [12/21/15]
ThesCRA Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum. Los Angeles: Getty Museum, 2004–. [3/29/17]
TiCSup Trends in Classics Supplemental Volumes [1/3/16]
TiEL Topics in English Linguistics [1/28/16]
TiLSM Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs [10/24/15]
TLL Topics in Language and Linguistics [2/10/16]
TMO Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient [3/18/17]
TPhS Transactions of the Philological Society [10/24/15]
TSHLRS Texts and Studies in the Hebrew Language and Related Subjects [12/20/15]
TSL Typological Studies in Language [1/3/16]
TT Textes et Traditions [3/21/15]
TTC Teach the Text Commentary [9/7/16]
UALG Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte
UAVA Untersuchungen zur Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie [12/13/15]
UISK Untersuchungen zur indogermanischen Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft [3/12/17]
VEccl Verbum et Ecclesia [12/10/16]
VetChr Vetera Christianorum
VKNWL Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afdeling Letterkunde [2/20/16]
VOHDSupp Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Supplementband
VWGTh Veröffentlichungen der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie [1/3/16]
WA World Archaeology [3/3/17]
WBJb Jahrbuch: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin [3/18/17]
WesBibComp Westminster Bible Companion [12/10/16]
WesTJ Wesleyan Theological Journal [2/8/16]
YES Yale Egyptological Studies [4/4/17]
YLS Yale Language Series [5/16/17]
ZECNT Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament [12/14/16]
ZNT Zeitschrift für Neues Testament [12/12/16]

And how about missing ones that would cause redundancy? What do we do with these:
New Testament Monographs (Sheffield Phoenix) – NTM (already taken by New Testament Message)

And corrections to the list:
BaF (pp. 177, 221) should not be italics (comfirmed)
BBRSup should not be italics; it's a monograph series [added 3/19/15 (unconfirmed)]
BRLA (pp. 180, 225) should be BRLJ (Brill Reference Library of Judaism) [5/11/15 (confirmed)]
IOS (pp. 193, 237) should not be italics (confirmed)[12/18/15]
MdB (pp. 199, 243) should not be italics (confirmed) [1/11/16]
MSL (pp. 198, 243) should not be italics (under consideration by SBL)
OtSt (pp. 202, 247) should not be italics [12/20/15](confirmed)
Revue de Qumrân (205, 249) the a should be â [1/14/16] (confirmed)

The following are compliments of Baker Academic, they are all confirmed by SBL [received 9/23/15, confirmed 1/13/16]
These titles are italic in the list at §8.4.1 but roman in the list at §8.4.2. We believe they should be italic in both places:
AT Annales Theologici
CH Church History
MScRel Mélanges de science religieuse
MSJ The Master's Seminary Journal

This title is roman in the list at §8.4.1 but italic in the list at §8.4.2. We believe it should be roman in both places:
MNTC Moffatt New Testament Commentary

These titles are roman in both lists, but we believe they should be italic:
PIBA Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association
SPhiloA Studia Philonica Annual
StZ Stimmen der Zeit


Anonymous said...

There are two that I cannot find and hope you can. If not, I suggest:
1) “KAANT” for “Kleine Arbeiten zum Alten und Neuen Testament” and, more importantly,
2) “StSam” for “Studia Samaritana” series.
The latter is used several times in Benedikt Hensel, “Samaritanische Identität in persisch-hellenistischer Zeit im Spiegel der biblischen Überlieferung und der epigraphischen Befunde,” in Nationale Identität im Alten Testament [ed. W. Zwickel and M. Kõszeghy; Kleine Arbeiten zum Alten und Neuen Testament 12; Waltrop, 2015], 103, 109, 112-13; online: http://www.academia.edu/17090928/Samaritanische_Identit%C3%A4t_in_persisch-hellenistischer_Zeit_im_Spiegel_der_biblischen_%C3%9Cberlieferung_und_der_epigraphischen_Befunde.

jps said...

Thanks for the input. I found an abbreviation for Studia Samaritana in József Zsengellér, ed., Rewritten Bible after Fifty Years, JSJSup (Leiden: Brill, 2014): SSam. And KAANT seems to be a fairly common way to abbreviate Kleine Arbeiten zum Alten und Neuen Testament, so we'll go with that.


Anonymous said...

Thanks very much both for "KAANT" confirmation (it isn't in the SBL Handbook) and especially for the Zsengellér reference with "SSam"--I haven't read that one yet!

Anonymous said...

Dear jps, I think that your helpful list needs "JSHJ Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus," which I can't find in the SBLHS 1st or 2nd eds.

Also, I prefer "StSam" for abbreviating "Studia Samaritana," as seen typed on spine of Menachem Mor and Friedrich V. Reiterer, eds., Samaritans: Past and Present. Current Studies (StSam/SJ 5/53; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010). Since I've found two sources for the "StSam" usage, I plan to use that until the day it might become a clear error.

jps said...

I've added JSHJ and changed SSam to StSam on the basis of your information.


Anonymous said...

Hi again! The Handbook doesn't have the Wesleyan Theological Journal, which could abbreviate as WTJ except that is already used for Westminster Theological Journal. Can you please work your magic on this one, too? :-)

jps said...

'Tis a problem, indeed. Of course, being of Wesleyan persuasion myself, I would love to bounce Westminster : ) But, it appears that the preferred abbreviation for the Wesleyan Theological Journal is WesTJ. I've amended my list accordingly.

Thanks for pointing out the lacuna!


Anonymous said...

Hi James--I'm back. I just found a very good commentary on Amos in the "Mentor Commentaries" series from Scotland. But nobody seems to have an abbreviation for it. One blogger simply uses "Mentor" (http://dwightgingrich.com/recommended-bible-commentaries/intro/abbreviations-used/), but Eisenbrauns seems to use "MenCom" (https://www.eisenbrauns.com/ECOM/_4M90XO594.HTM), which seems preferable to me. But a search on "MenCom" turns up a lot of homosexual propaganda. What do you think, and can you perhaps get a 'ruling' from someone? :-)

jps said...

Hmm...my comment seems to have disappeared : ( Anyway, sorry for the long silence. I came up with exactly the same problem you did. I couldn't find any definitive authority, so let's go with the Eisenbrauns one. I've updated the list.


Orion said...

Hi--thanks for this list--

Here are a few other additions--I actually don't have a copy of the SBL 2 list yet, so some of them may turn out to be on it--

KUSATU (Italics)--Kleine Untersuchungen zur Sprache des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt
JHS--in SBL 1 this is Journal of Hellenic Studies; now there is also the online Journal of Hebrew Studies (JHS)--don't know what to do with that one . . .

CEJL Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature
HTKAT--Herders theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament
JCP--Jewish and Christian perspectives
PACS Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series
SCI = Scripta Classica Israelica
TBN--Themes in Biblical Narrative
VCSup--Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae

Also useful:

EDSS Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Ed. L. H. Schiffman and J. C.
VanderKam. 2 vols. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000 (italics)

EncJud Encyclopaedia Judaica. 16 vols. Jerusalem: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1972 (italics

Brian Small said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Small said...

Hi James, I have been in correspondence with SBL by email and I have some suggested edits and additions.

Revue de l’Institut Catholique de Paris (RICP) - italics

Filología neotestamentaria (FNT)

Studia Biblica should be italicized on page 208.
Studia Catholica should be italicized on pages 208 and 254

The following journals are not listed in the Handbook and are not in your list:
Acta Patristica et Byzantina
Collectanea mechliniensia
Geist und Leben
Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Lutheran Church Review
Pacific Journal of Theology
Revue de l’institut catholique de Paris
Studia Antiqua
Studia Biblica et Theologica
Studia Hierosolymitana
Studia Liturgica
Studia Warmińskie
Svensk missionstidskrift
Verbum et Ecclesia
Verbum Vitae

jps said...

Thanks! I'll work through your list when I get time.


Anonymous said...

Dear James, nice to be back and see your good work here! I popped in to say that SBLHS2 errs in misspelling what should properly be the genitive "Judentums" (terminal "s") at the end of the BEATAJ series, which they spell without the terminal "s" incorrectly as "Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des antiken Judentum" (without "s").
The proper spelling should be: "Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des antiken Judentums" (with an "s" at the end).
It's fairly irrelevant now since only abbreviations are used, but, well, it's nice to be back for a visit--ha!

jps said...

Thanks for letting me know. I'll pass it on to SBL.

Jessi said...

Thank you! This is so helpful!

One item I've been looking for is "Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament" by Spiros Zodhiates. Logos software calls it the WSNTDICT but I haven't been able to confirm that.

jps said...


Because that is a nonacademic work, you won't find it listed in SBLHS2 or here. You are best going with the Logos abbreviation. That being said, I highly recommend that you use a more accurate and reliable resource, such as the Zondervan dictionary, or "Little Kittel" (yes, it has problems, but is better than Zodhiates), Spiq (available from Hendrickson), or something like that.
