Friday, December 02, 2005


Scot McKnight is at it again, another provocative post, this time on (gulp) inerrancy. I quote the last 2 paragraphes:
"What I’d rather confess about the Bible is that the Scripture is true — and then I want the confession to go further to the point where the Scripture is trustable truth. And then we need to go yet further: do I live it out? Living trustable truth.

"That is, God speaks and we can trust that God is speaking to us in Scripture. But, believing that is designed so we will trust it and live it out. I believe the Bible is trustable truth. We can trust what is said. If you tell me that you think Scripture is true, well and good — what I want to know is if you trust it by living it out. This is what Scripture is all about: it is God’s story that we enter into so that God’s story becomes our story. This only happens if we trust it by embodying it — in how we live. Living trustable truth."

I also lived through the "inerrancy wars" of the 70s & 80s. I was never convinced and the word came to mean too many things unrelated to scripture. The thing that always bothered me was the lack of mention of holy living, all the emphasis was on intellectual assent. I think Scot has hit the nail on the head with this post. But, check it out for yourself and let me know what you think.

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