Friday, August 09, 2024

What shall I do, my God to love

130 What shall I do, my God to love

1. What shall I do, my God to love,
   My loving God to praise!
   The length, and breadth, and height to prove
   And depth of sovereign grace?

2. Thy sovereign grace to all extends,
   Immense and unconfined;
   From age to age it never ends,
   It reaches all mankind.

3. Throughout the world its breadth is known,
   Wide as infinity,
   So wide it never passed by one;
   Or it had passed by me.

4. Come quickly, then, my Lord, and take
   Possession of Thine own;
   My longing heart vouchsafe to make
   Thine everlasting throne.

5. Assert Thy claim, receive Thy right,
   Come quickly from above,
   And sink me to perfection’s height,
   The depth of humble love.
                         Charles Wesley
                         The Methodist Hymnal 1964 edition

<idle musing>
Not one of Wesley's more popular hymns, only occurring in about 70 hymnals. And, as usual, there are more verses. Cyberhymnal lists these:

4. My trespass was grown up to Heaven;
   But far above the skies,
   In Christ abundantly forgiven,
   I see Thy mercies rise!

5. The depth of all-redeeming love,
   What angel-tongue can tell?
   O may I to the utmost prove
   The gift unspeakable!

6. Deeper than hell, it plucked me thence;
   Deeper than inbred sin:
   Jesus’ love my heart shall cleanse,
   When Jesus enters in.

I really like verse 6: "Deeper than inbred sin." I wonder how many really believe that?
</idle musing>

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