Friday, May 09, 2014

It's more radical than that

Paul is not suggesting in these statements that we simply try to stop doing certain acts of sin. He is demanding that we die to certain attitudes which produce these acts of sin. The “flesh” is that disposition in us to think that the satisfaction of our human desires for comfort, pleasure, possessions and security is absolutely all-important, and the conviction that we alone can meet those needs. This disposition is absolutely opposed to the idea that these needs are not paramount and that, in any case, the only way to genuinely meet them is to surrender them to God. The flesh is hideously subtle and will easily masquerade under piety as a way of hiding its total absorption with itself and its satisfaction.— Called to be Holy, pages 179-180

<idle musing>
I once read where E. Stanley Jones said that the flesh loved to put on its religious robe and sneak back up on the throne. Ain't it the truth! But, it's a liar and it's dead; it has no real power over us except the power we give it by believing it is still alive. We need to believe that we are a new creation in Christ—then we'll start living that way.
</idle musing>

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